REST APIs over Node.js, multilayer architecture. ORM using Prisma and PostgreSQL database.
Kir-Dev is a web developer team of students from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Our group was founded in 2001 as the Developers and Operators of the Dormitory Information System and since 2009 it is part of the Simonyi Károly Collegium. Since our foundation, we have been involved in the application and training of various web technologies, as well as developing and operating web applications useful to the dormitory's student community.
Our main mission is to continuously develop and maintain the Profile and Groups (Profil és Körök) - PéK for short. Currently, the faculty's student community manages many type of administration through this application. This system has already gone through several generations thanks to the active members of the group: the first one was called the Dormitory Information System (KIR), this generation was written in PHP. Then, as it expanded, we rewrote it in JavaEE, alongside OpenAM, and called it the Faculty Information System (VIR), and later it got its modern name, PéK. Finally, in 2015, PéK was migrated to Ruby on Rails.
The main reason for forming Kir-Dev was to develop and maintain PéK, but this was not the only reason for its creation. The purpose of the group is to bring together members of the faculty's student community who share similar interests and inspiration in the world of web development. The group provides a space to explore areas of the web profession, to share experiences. We strive to run our projects according to the latest team organisation and process management methods, so that our members can get as close as possible to experiencing working in the industry and start off with a good foundation.
REST APIs over Node.js, multilayer architecture. ORM using Prisma and PostgreSQL database.
Modern full-stack Node.js + React framework. Routing, SSG, SSR. Deployments conducted on Vercel.
Building UI components. Mobile-first approach. TanStack, React Hook Form, ChakraUI, Tailwind.
Full-stack development with Kotlin. Microservices approach, systems with high computational requirements.
Full-stack development with Ruby. Lightning fast solution for the web. Phased out tech at Kir-Dev.
Android, iOS. Expo ecosystem, TypeScript. Freshly acquired technology.
Our server applications are deployed onto our VMWare virtual machine or onto a Kubernetes cluster. We pay a lot of attention to the development of appropriate DevOps processes and automations, we're supported in these efforts by Better Stack. Vercel is a key supporter, which allows us to easily deploy and operate our Next.js projects and other frontend-heavy applications on their platform.
All online communication is done on Slack, where we discuss things related to the workflow and community organisation of the study group. On Discord, we hold team building sessions and online meetings.
With Miro, we put together project plans, gather ideas, develop MVPs. Figma is less frequently used in our processes, we use it to design UI components, wireframes. For the visual design of our websites we often collaborate with the schdesign study group.
Right now joining our study group is limited for non-Hungarian speakers as our group is not ready for changing everyday conversations and workflows to English. Leave us an email if still interested.
We hold our weekly meetings at Schönherz Kollégium in room 1319 every Thursday at 8pm.